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Erscheinungsdatum: 2021Quelle des Autors: KinghelmAufrufe: 1252
The ratio of the total input power of the Antenne is called the maximum gain coefficient of the Antenne. It is a more comprehensive reflection of the effective utilization of the total RF power by the Antenne than the directivity coefficient of the Antenne, expressed in decibels, it can be deduced mathematically that the maximum gain coefficient of Antenne is equal to the product of Antenne directivity coefficient and Antenne Effizienz.
It refers to the ratio of the power radiated by the Antenne (that is, the power that effectively converts the electromagnetic wave part) to the active power input to the Antenne. Es ist ein Wert, der immer kleiner ist als 1.
1. Antenneneffizienz
2. Antenne polarisierte Welle
When an electromagnetic wave propagates in space, if the direction of the electric field vector keeps fixed or rotates according to a certain rule, this electromagnetic wave is called polarized wave, also known as Antenne polarized wave, or polarized wave. Im Allgemeinen kann es in ebene Polarisation (einschließlich horizontaler Polarisation und vertikaler Polarisation), zirkulare Polarisation und elliptische Polarisation unterteilt werden.
3. Polarisationsrichtung
Die Richtung des elektrischen Feldes einer polarisierten elektromagnetischen Welle wird Polarisationsrichtung genannt.
4. Polarisationsebene
Die durch die Polarisationsrichtung und die Ausbreitungsrichtung der polarisierten elektromagnetischen Welle gebildete Ebene wird Polarisationsebene genannt.
5. Vertikale Polarisation
Die Polarisation von Radiowellen orientiert sich üblicherweise an der Erde. Jede polarisierte Welle, deren Polarisationsebene parallel zur geodätischen Normalebene (vertikale Ebene) verläuft, wird als vertikal polarisierte Welle bezeichnet. Seine elektrische Feldrichtung verläuft senkrecht zur Erde.
6. Horizontale Polarisation
Jede polarisierte Welle, deren Polarisationsebene senkrecht zur geodätischen Normalebene steht, wird als horizontal polarisierte Welle bezeichnet. Die Richtung seines elektrischen Feldes verläuft parallel zur Erde.
7. Ebene Polarisation
Wenn die Polarisationsrichtung der elektromagnetischen Welle in einer festen Richtung gehalten wird, spricht man von ebener Polarisation, auch linearer Polarisation genannt. Wenn die Komponente des elektrischen Feldes parallel zur Erde (horizontale Komponente) und die Komponente senkrecht zur Erdoberfläche eine beliebige relative Amplitude haben, kann eine ebene Polarisation erhalten werden. Vertikale Polarisation und horizontale Polarisation sind Sonderfälle der ebenen Polarisation.
8. Zirkularpolarisation
Wenn die periodische Winkel Übernehmen zwischen der Polarisationsebene der Radiowellen und der geodätischen Normalebene beträgt 0 bis 360°, Das heißt, die Größe des elektrischen Feldes ist konstant, die Richtung ändert sich mit der Zeit und die Trajektorie am Ende des elektrischen Feldvektors wird als Kreis auf die Ebene senkrecht zur Ausbreitungsrichtung projiziert, was als Zirkularpolarisation bezeichnet wird. Die Amplitude der horizontalen und vertikalen Komponenten des elektrischen Feldes ist gleich und die Phasendifferenz beträgt 90° oder 270°, Zirkularpolarisation kann erhalten werden. Zirkularpolarisation: Wenn sich die Polarisationsoberfläche mit der Zeit dreht und eine rechtsspirale Beziehung zur Ausbreitungsrichtung elektromagnetischer Wellen aufweist, spricht man von rechtszirkularer Polarisation; Liegt es hingegen in einer linksspiralen Beziehung, spricht man von linkszirkularer Polarisation.
9. Elliptische Polarisation
Wenn sich der Winkel zwischen der Polarisationsebene von Radiowellen und der Normalebene der Erde periodisch von 0 auf 2π ändert und die Trajektorie am Ende des elektrischen Feldvektors als Ellipse auf die Ebene senkrecht zur Ausbreitungsrichtung projiziert wird, ist dies der Fall wird elliptische Polarisation genannt. Wenn die Amplitude und Phase der vertikalen und horizontalen Komponenten des elektrischen Feldes beliebige Werte haben (außer wenn die beiden Komponenten gleich sind), kann eine elliptische Polarisation erhalten werden.
10 Long wave Antenne und Mittelwelle Antenne
It is a general term for transmitting Antenne oder Empfangen Antenne that works in long-wave and medium-wave bands. Long and medium waves are transmitted by ground waves and sky waves, while sky waves are continuously reflected between the ionosphere and the earth. According to this propagation characteristic, long and medium wave Antennes should be able to generate vertically polarized electric waves. Among the long and medium wave Antennes, vertical, inverted L, T and umbrella vertical grounding Antennes are widely used. Long and medium wave Antennes should have good grounding network. There are many technical problems in long and medium wave Antennes, such as low effective height, low radiation resistance, low efficiency, narrow passband and low directivity. In order to solve these problems, the Antenne structure is often very complex and huge.
11 Kurzwelle Antenne
The transmitting or receiving Antennes operating in the short wave band are collectively referred to as short wave Antennes. Short wave is mainly transmitted by the sky wave reflected by the ionosphere, and it is one of the important means of modern long-distance radio communication. There are many forms of short-wave Antenne, among which symmetrical Antenne, in-phase horizontal Antenne, double-wave AntenneWinkel Antenne, V-shaped Antenne, rhombus Antenne and fishbone Antenne are the most widely used. Compared with long-wave Antenne, short-wave Antenne has the advantages of high effective height, high radiation resistance, high efficiency, good directivity, high gain and wide passband.
12. Ultrashort wave Antenne
The transmitting and receiving Antennes working in the ultrashort wave band are called ultrashort wave Antennes. Ultra-short waves mainly propagate by space waves. There are many forms of this kind of Antenne, among which Yagi Antenne, disk cone Antenne, biconical Antenne and "Batwing" TV transmitting Antenne are the most widely used.
13. Mikrowelle Antenne
The transmitting or receiving Antennes working in meter wave, decimeter wave, centimeter wave, millimeter wave and other bands are collectively referred to as microwave Antennes. Microwave is mainly spread by space waves, and the Antenne is erected higher in order to increase the communication distance. Among microwave Antennes, parabolic Antenne, horn parabolic AntenneHorn Antenne, Linse AntenneSlot Antenne, Dielektrikum Antenne and periscope Antenne sind weit verbreitet.
14 Richtungs- Antenne
Richtungs- Antenne ist eine Art von Antenne that emits and receives electromagnetic waves in one or several specific directions, but emits and receives electromagnetic waves in other directions at zero or minimal. The purpose of adopting directional transmitting Antenne is to increase the effective utilization rate of radiation power and increase confidentiality. The main purpose of adopting directional receiving Antenne is to increase anti-interference ability.
15 Ungerichtet Antenne
Antennas that radiate or receive electromagnetic waves uniformly in all directions are called non-directional Antennes, such as whip Antennes for small communication machines.
16 All channel Antenne
An Antenne whose directivity, impedance and polarization characteristics remain almost unchanged in a wide band is called a broadband Antenne. Early broadband Antennes include diamond Antenne, V-shaped Antenne, double-wave Antenne, disk cone Antenne, etc. New broadband Antennes include log-periodic Antenne, usw.
17 Tuned Antenne
An Antenne with a predetermined directivity in only a narrow frequency band is called a tuned Antenne or a tuned directional Antenne. Usually, the directivity of a tuned Antenne remains unchanged only in the 5% band around its tuning frequency, while on other frequencies, the directivity changes so badly that the communication is destroyed. TDient Antenne is not suitable for shortwave communication with variable frequency. Cophased horizontal Antenne, folded Antenne and meandering Antenne are all tuned Antennes.
18 Vertikale Antenne
Vertikale Antenne bezieht sich auf Antenne placed vertically with the ground. It has two forms: Symmetry and asymmetry, while the latter is widely used. Symmetrisch Antennes are often fed from the center. The asymmetric Antenne feeds between the bottom of the Antenne and the ground, and its maximum radiation direction is concentrated in the ground direction when the height is less than 1/2 wavelength, so it is suitable for broadcasting. Asymmetrisch Antenne is also called vertical grounded Antenne.
19 Iumgedreht-L Antenne
An Antenne formed by connecting a vertical down conductor at one end of a single horizontal conductor. Because its shape resembles the English letter L upside down, it is called inverted L Antenne. The word Γ in Russian is just the reverse of the English letter L. Therefore, it is more convenient to call Γ tippe Antenne. It is a form of vertical grounding Antenne. In order to improve the efficiency of the Antenne, its horizontal part can be composed of several wires arranged on the same horizontal plane, and the radiation generated by this part can be ignored, while the vertical part generates radiation.
Umgekehrt-L Antenne is generally used for long wave communication. Its advantages are simple structure and convenient erection; Disadvantages are large floor space and poor durability.
20 T Antenne
In the center of the horizontal conductor, a vertical down lead is connected, which is shaped like the English letter T, so it is called T-shaped Antenne. It is the most common Antenne with vertical grounding. Its horizontal part of radiation can be neglected, but the vertical part produces radiation. In order to improve efficiency, the horizontal part can also be composed of multiple wires. T-shaped Antenne has the same characteristics as inverted L-shaped Antenne. It is generally used for long-wave and medium-wave communication.
21 Umbrella Antenne
At the top of a single vertical conductor, several inclined conductors are led down in all directions. The Antenne formed in this way is shaped like an open umbrella, so it is called an umbrella Antenne. It is also a form of vertical grounding Antenne. Its features and uses are the same as those of inverted L-shaped and T-shaped Antennes.
22 Peitsche Antenne
Eine Peitsche Antenne is a flexible vertical rod Antenne, and its length is generally 1/4 or 1/2 wavelength. Most whip Antennes use ground nets instead of ground wires. Small whip Antenne often uses the metal shell of small radio station as a ground net. Sometimes, in order to increase the effective height of the whip Antenne, some small radial blades can be added to the top of the whip Antenne or inductors can be added to the middle of the whip Antenne.
The whip Antenne can be used in small communication machines, walkers, car radios, etc.
23 Symmetrisch Antenne
Two wires with equal length, broken center and fed can be used as transmitting and receiving Antennes. Die Antenne formed in this way is called symmetric Antenne. Parce que Antennes are sometimes called Vibrator, symmetric Antennes are also called ssymmetrisch Vibrator oder Dipole. Die ssymmetrisch Vibrator mit einer Gesamtlänge von einer halben Wellenlänge nennt man Halbwelle Vibrator, which is also called a half-wave dipole Antenne. It is the most basic unit Antenne, and it is also widely used. Many complex Antennes are composed of it. Half-wave oscillator has simple structure and convenient feeding, so it is widely used in short-distance communication.
24 Käfig Antenne
It is a wide-band weak directional Antenne. It is made of a hollow cylinder surrounded by several wires instead of a single wire radiator in a symmetrical Antenne. Because its radiator is cage-shaped, it is called cage Antenne. Käfig Antenne has a wide working band and is easy to tune. It is suitable for short-distance trunk communication.
25 Angular Antenne
It belongs to a kind of symmetrical Antenne, but its two arms are not arranged in a straight line, but are 90° oder 120° angle, so it is called angle Antenne. Diese Art von Antenne is generally horizontal, and its directivity is not significant. In order to obtain wide-band characteristics, the arms of angle Antenne can also adopt cage structure, which is called angle cage Antenne.
26 Faltened Antenne
Dipol Antennes that bend oscillators into parallel ones are called folded Antennes. There are several kinds of folded Antennes, such as two-wire folded Antenne, three-wire folded Antenne and multi-wire folded Antenne. When bending, the currents at the corresponding points on each line should be in phase, and from a distance, the whole Antenne looks like a symmetrical Antenne. However, compared with symmetrical Antenne, the radiation of folded Antenne is enhanced. The input impedance is increased, which facilitates coupling with feeder. Folded Antenne is a tuned Antenne with a narrow working frequency. It is widely used in shortwave and ultrashort wave bands.
27 V Antenne
Es ist eine Antenne which is composed of two wires at an angle to each other and shaped like the English letter V. Its terminal can be open circuit or connected with a resistor, and its resistance is equal to the characteristic impedance of the Antenne. The V-shaped Antenne is unidirectional, and the maximum radiation direction is in the vertical plane along the corner line. Its disadvantages are low efficiency and large floor space.
28 Diamond Antenne
It is a broadband Antenne. It consists of a horizontal rhombus suspended on four pillars, with one acute angle of the rhombus connected to the feeder, and the other acute angle connected to a terminal resistance equal to the characteristic impedance of the rhombus Antenne. In the vertical plane pointing to the direction of terminal resistance, it is unidirectional. The diamond Antenne has the advantages of high gain, strong directivity, wide use band and easy erection and maintenance. The disadvantage is that it occupies a large area. After the rhombus Antenne is deformed, there are three forms: double rhombus Antenne, feedback rhombus Antenne and folded rhombus Antenne. Diamond Antennes are generally used in large and medium-sized short-wave receiving stations.
29 Discone Antenne
It's an ultrashort wave Antenne. The top is a disc (i.e. radiator), fed by the core Draht des Koaxialkabels Kabel, und der Boden ist ein Kegel, der mit dem Außenleiter des Koaxialkabels verbunden ist Kabel. The function of cone is similar to that of infinite ground. Changing the inclination angle of cone can change the maximum radiation direction of Antenne. It has a very wide frequency band.
30 Fishbone Antenne
Fish-shaped Antenne, auch genannt Breitseite Antenne, is a special short-wave receiving Antenne. Es besteht aus zwei symmetrischen Oszillatoren, die in regelmäßigen Abständen über zwei Sammelleitungen verbunden sind. Diese symmetrischen Oszillatoren sind über einen kleinen Kondensator mit den Sammelleitungen verbunden. Am Ende der Sammelleitung, also dem Ende, das der Kommunikationsrichtung zugewandt ist, ist ein Widerstand gleich der charakteristischen Impedanz der Sammelleitung angeschlossen, und das andere Ende ist über eine Zuleitung mit dem Empfänger verbunden. Compared with diamond Antenne, fishbone Antenne has the advantages of small side lobe (that is, strong reception ability in the main lobe direction and weak reception in other directions), small mutual influence among Antennes and small occupied area; Die Nachteile sind eine geringe Effizienz sowie eine komplizierte Installation und Verwendung.
31 Yagi Antenne
Es ist einlso called director Antenne. It consists of several metal rods, one of which is a radiator, the longer one behind the radiator is a reflector, and the shorter ones in front are directors. The radiator usually uses a folded half-wave oscillator. The maximum radiation direction of the Antenne is the same as that of the director. Yagi Antenne has the advantages of simple structure, portability, firmness and convenient feeding. Disadvantages are narrow frequency band and poor anti-interference. Application in ultrashort wave communication and radar.
32 Fan Antenne
Es gibt zwei Formen: Metallplattentyp und Metalldrahttyp. Unter diesen handelt es sich um einen Sektor-Metallplattentyp und einen Sektor-Metalldrahttyp. Diese Art von Antenne erweitert die Antenne frequency band because it increases the cross-sectional area of the Antenne. The wire sector Antenne can use three, four or five metal wires. Sector Antenne is used for ultrashort wave reception.
33 Biconical Antenne
Double-cone Antenne consists of two cones with opposite cone tops, which feed at the cone tops. The cone can be made of metal surface, metal wire or metal mesh. Just like cage Antenne, as the cross-sectional area of Antenne increases, the frequency band of Antenne also widens. Double cone Antenne is mainly used for ultrashort wave reception.
34. Parabolic Antenne
Parabolisch Antenne is a directional microwave Antenne, which consists of a parabolic reflector and a radiator, and the radiator is mounted on the focal point or focal axis of the parabolic reflector. The electromagnetic wave emitted by the radiator is reflected by the paraboloid to form a highly directional wave beam. The parabolic reflector is made of metal with good electrical conductivity, and there is mainly the following four forms: paraboloid of revolution, cylindrical paraboloid, truncated paraboloid of revolution and elliptic edge paraboloid, among them, the paraboloid of revolution and the cylindrical paraboloid are the most commonly used. The radiator generally adopts half-wave oscillator, open-ended waveguide, slotted waveguide, etc. Parabolic Antenne has the advantages of simple structure, strong directivity and wide working frequency band. Disadvantages: Because the radiator is located in the electric field of the parabolic reflector, the reflector has a great reaction to the radiator, and it is difficult to get a good match between the Antenne and the feeder; the radiation on the back is large; poor degree of protection; and the manufacturing precision is high. This Antenne is widely used in microwave relay communication, troposcatter communication, radar and television.
35 Horn parabolisch Antenne
Horn parabolisch Antenne besteht aus Horn und Paraboloid. Das Paraboloid ist vom Horn bedeckt und der Scheitelpunkt des Horns befindet sich im Brennpunkt des Paraboloids. A horn radiator radiates electromagnetic waves to a paraboloid. The electromagnetic waves are reflected by the paraboloid, focused into a narrow beam and emitted. The advantages of a parabolic horn Antenne are: The reflector has no reaction to the radiator, the radiator has no shielding effect on the reflected electric waves, and the Antenne is well matched with the feeding device; Low back radiation; High degree of protection; das Arbeitsfrequenzband ist sehr breit; Einfache Struktur. parabolisch Antenne wird häufig in der Trunk-Relay-Kommunikation verwendet.
36 Horn Antenne
Auch bekannt als Hornstrahler. Es besteht aus einem gleichmäßigen Hohlleiter und einem trompetenförmigen Hohlleiter mit allmählich zunehmendem Querschnitt. Es gibt drei Arten von Hörnern: Fan Horn Antenne, pyramid horn Antenne and cone horn Antenne.
Horn Antenne is one of the most commonly used microwave Antennes, generally used as radiator. Its advantages are wide working frequency; the disadvantage is that it is bulky, and its directivity is not as sharp as that of parabolic Antenne in terms of the same aperture.
37 Horn lens Antenne
It is composed of a horn and a lens mounted on the horn aperture, so it is called a horn lens Antenne. For the principle of lens, please refer to lens Antenne. Diese Art von Antenne has a wide working frequency band, and has a higher degree of protection than parabolic Antenne. It is widely used in microwave trunk communication with more channels.
38 Lens Antenne
In centimeter band, many optical principles can be applied to Antenne. In optics, the spherical wave radiated by a point light source placed at the focal point of the lens can be refracted by the lens to become a plane wave. The lens is made by using this principle. It consists of a lens and a radiator placed at the focal point of the lens. There are two kinds of lenses: dielectric deceleration lens Antenne and metal acceleration lens Antenne. The lens is made of low-loss high-frequency medium, thick in the middle and thin around. The spherical wave emitted from the radiation source is decelerated when it passes through the dielectric lens. Daher ist der Weg der Kugelwelle, die im mittleren Teil der Linse abgebremst wird, lang und der Weg der Kugelwelle, die im peripheren Teil abgebremst wird, kurz. Daher wird die Kugelwelle nach dem Durchgang durch die Linse zu einer ebenen Welle, d. h. die Strahlung wird gerichtet. Die Linse besteht aus vielen parallel angeordneten Metallplatten unterschiedlicher Länge. Die Metallplatte steht senkrecht zum Boden und je näher sie an der Mitte liegt, desto kürzer ist sie. Elektrische Wellen werden beschleunigt, wenn sie sich in parallelen Metallplatten ausbreiten. Wenn eine von einer Strahlungsquelle emittierte Kugelwelle eine Metalllinse passiert, ist der beschleunigte Weg umso länger, je näher sie sich am Rand der Linse befindet, und desto kürzer ist der beschleunigte Weg in der Mitte. Daher wird die sphärische Welle nach dem Durchgang durch die Metalllinse zu einer ebenen Welle.
Die Linse Antenne hat folgende Vorteile:
1. TDer Seitenlappen und der Hinterlappen sind klein, also Abstrahlcharakteristik ist gut;
2. Die Präzision der Linsenherstellung ist nicht hoch, daher ist die Herstellung bequem. Seine Nachteile sind geringe Effizienz, komplexe Struktur und hoher Preis. Die Linse wird in der Mikrowellen-Relaiskommunikation verwendet.
39 Schloßtype Antenne
In eine große Metallplatte werden ein oder mehrere schmale Schlitze geschnitten und durchgezogen Koaxialkabel or waveguide. The Antenne formed in this way is called slot Antenne, also known as slot Antenne. In order to obtain unidirectional radiation, the back of the metal plate is made into a cavity, and the slot is directly fed by the waveguide. The slotted Antenne has simple structure and no protruding parts, so it is especially suitable for high-speed aircraft. Its disadvantage is that it is difficult to tune.
40 Dielektrikum Antenne
Das Dielektrikum Antenne is a round rod made of low-loss high-frequency dielectric material (polystyrene verwendet wird im Allgemeinen), und sein eines Ende wird von gespeist Koaxialkabel oder Wellenleiter. 2. Es ist ein Verlängerung des Innenleiters des Koaxialkabel, einen Vibrator zur Anregung elektromagnetischer Wellen bildend;3. Inicht verwendens koaxial Kabel; 4. It verwendet ein Metallhülse. Die Funktion der Hülse besteht nicht nur darin, den dielektrischen Stab festzuklemmen, sondern auch die elektromagnetische Welle zu reflektieren und so sicherzustellen, dass die elektromagnetische Welle durch den Innenleiter des Stabes angeregt wird Koaxialkabel und breitet sich zum freien Ende des dielektrischen Stabes aus.
The advantages of dielectric Antenne are small size and mit scharfe Richtwirkung. Der Nachteil besteht darin, dass das Medium verlustbehaftet ist und die Effizienz daher nicht hoch ist.
41 Periskop Antenne
In microwave relay communication, the Antenne is often placed on a very high bracket, so it takes a long feeder to feed the Antenne. Eine zu lange Zuleitung führt zu vielen Schwierigkeiten, wie z. B. einer komplexen Struktur, hohem Energieverlust, Verformung durch Energiereflexion an der Zuleitungsverbindung usw. To overcome these difficulties, a periscope Antenne can be adopted, which consists of a lower mirror radiator arranged on the ground and an upper mirror reflector mounted on a bracket. The lower mirror radiator is generally a parabolic Antenne, and the upper mirror reflector is a metal plate. The lower mirror radiator emits electromagnetic waves upward, which are reflected off the metal plate.
Periskop Antenne has the advantages of low energy loss, low distortion and high efficiency. Mainly used in microwave relay communication with small capacity.
42 Helical Antenne
Es ist eine Antenne with a spiral shape. It consists of a metal helix with good electrical conductivity, usually fed by a Koaxialkabel. Der Kern der Koaxialkabel ist mit einem Ende der Helix und dem Außenleiter verbunden Koaxialkabel ist mit einem geerdeten Metallnetz (oder einer Platine) verbunden. The radiation direction of spiral Antenne is related to the circumference of spiral.
Wenn der Umfang der Helix viel kleiner als eine Wellenlänge ist, verläuft die Richtung der stärksten Strahlung senkrecht zur Helixachse; Wenn der Umfang der Spirale in der Größenordnung einer Wellenlänge liegt, tritt die stärkste Strahlung in Richtung der Spiralachse auf.
43 Antennentuner
An impedance matching network connecting the transmitter and the Antenne heißt ein Antenne Tuner. The input impedance of the Antenne changes greatly with the frequency, while the output impedance of the transmitter is certain. If the transmitter is directly connected to the Antenne, when the frequency of the transmitter changes, the impedance between the transmitter and the Antenne does not match, which will reduce the radiation power. Durch die Verwendung der Antenne tuner, the impedance between the transmitter and the Antenne can be matched, so that the Antenne has the maximum radiation power at any frequency. Tuners are widely used in ground, vehicle, ship and aviation shortwave radio stations.
44 Log-periodisch Antenne
It is a broadband Antenne, Oder Antenne independent of frequency. Among them, it is a simple log-periodic Antenne, and its dipole length and interval conform to the following relationship:
τ dipole is fed by a uniform two-wire transmission line, and the position of the transmission line should be changed between adjacent dipoles. This Antenne has one feature: aAlle Eigenschaften bei der Frequenz f werden bei allen durch τⁿf gegebenen Frequenzen wiederholt, wobei n eine ganze Zahl ist. These frequencies are equally spaced on the logarithmic scale, and the period is equal to the logarithm of τ. This is why the logarithmic periodic Antenne wird genannt. Das Logarithmische Antenne only repeats the radiation pattern and impedance characteristics periodically. However, if τ of the Antenne with this structure is not far less than 1, the change of its characteristics in a period is very small, so it is basically independent of frequency. There are many kinds of log-periodic Antennes, including log-periodic dipole Antenne and monopole Antenne, log-periodic resonant V-shaped Antenne, log-periodic helical Antenne, etc., among which log-periodic dipole Antenne ist die häufigste. Diese Antennes are widely used in short wave and above.
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